Wedding gift is a suspense thriller that not only reflects on...
It involves culture of Kambala and Bhootha Kola. A human and...
The story of Trikona revolves around Nataraj (Suresh Heblikar)...
Revanth deshpande a rich kid, but never dependent on his father's...
Selfie Mummy Googl Daddy is a Kannada movie starring Srujan Lokesh...
The story follows two Bangalore cops as they investigate an old...
Story of Corrupt Cop who is intelligent and brighter than normal...
Hari (Naga Shaurya)'s fascination is fights and disputes. He...
The movie is about a hot-headed guy Ramachari, who becomes...
From the director of smash hit Lifeu Ishtene, Pawan Kumar, comes...