This is the story of a notoriously cunning kidnapper known only...
A black market marijuana dealer tries to make one final score...
The groundbreaking, Peabody award-winning, Emmy-nominated, documentary...
It follows Kara Robinson as she survives an abduction and ultimately...
After his negligence causes an innocent woman to go to jail...
A security guard who quickly rises to the top and makes billions...
The real-life stories behind unique homicide cases with in-depth...
It tells the story of a filmmaker who uncovers a terrifying story...
Hafiz, a Malaysian Coast Guard officer, is celebrating his engagement...
This shocking documentary chronicles a happy-go-lucky nomad's...
Follow the true story of six college students whose lives ended...
It revolves around a mysterious man who justifies his crime....
It follows the rise and fall of the American financier and ponzi...
The house is occupied by family and one fine night, a traveler...
In 2016 Sherri Papini went for a run and didn't come home. This...