The nation's most talented kids have a chance to show off their...
In their farewell season Adam and Jamie go out with a bang. They...
A case study of longtime WWE superstar, Triple H, to explain...
In this Star Wars special, the MythBusters test if Luke really...
In this moonshiner-inspired episode, the MythBusters find out...
Things get volatile when the MythBusters meet creator Vince Gilligan...
Re-visiting myths from previous seasons: Adam and Jamie take...
WALKING DEAD's Michael Rooker joins the team to test zombie myths....
Can Adam and Jamie escape from the desert through a canyon using...
The six-part series, which pits two teams of varying backgrounds...
To determine the lucky winners of the viewer request lottery...
Adams attempts to escape from an upside-down underwater car...
Jamie and Adam test whether a '70s sport car is as aerodynamic...
Can bees really lift a laptop? Does water repel flies? Can the...
Could your laptop save you from a speeding bullet? Is it easy...
Is driving tired more dangerous than driving tipsy? Did the Greeks...