The lives of Mouna, a weather scientist who falls in love with...
An alcoholic divorcee takes the train daily to work which passes...
Set in Visakhapatnam, the story is about four lives and their...
A devoted grandson embarks on a complicated and comic journey...
Based on the Buddhist tale of Angulimala, a dreaded serial killer...
A cartoonist, who detests films and movie stars, finds himself...
Set during the Kargil War, fighter pilot Varun recalls his romance...
A single father battles injustice after his daughter is raped...
'Wazir' is a tale of two unlikely friends, a wheelchair-bound...
A hot-shot fashion and wildlife photographer Vikram gets into...
Capturing the angst of the young twenties, "London Paris New...
Follows the dark side of the story of the Mughal empire and its...