A fracking horror story, "Unearth" follows two neighboring farm...
When an orphaned half Korean girl finds herself in small town...
A former child actor, known for the 1980s horror film "Little...
Doctor Luke Matthew's world comes crashing down when he loses...
An investigative team travels deep into the remote Colorado wilderness...
A man enlists the services of an assisted suicide company but...
Nick, a Hollywood screenwriter, discovers his cat has become...
A look at the life, work and political activism of one of the...
A scientist and a pilot volunteer for a high profile mission...
Named "the best horror anthology since Trick 'r Treat" by Fangoria...
Jack Ford leads a special forces unit back to the United States...
Dr. Ben Jacobs saved the world. The drug he created allowed mankind...
Details the making of Stephen King & George A. Romero's 1982...
When a boy bands lead singer mysteriously diappears the media...
Chronicles the work of cult director John Carpenter through interviews...