Her first encounter with Toriko Nishina was on the Otherside...
Four years after Shirobako (2014), Aoi Miyamori keeps busy dealing...
The final chapter of the anime adaptation series based on Fumiaki...
"To Love, or not to Love" Juliet Percia and Inuzuka Romio are...
Ten years ago, the villainous scientist Dr. Hell led his wicked...
Kazuma finds a choker at Wiz's magic shop said to grant any one...
Chisa Yukizome begins her job as homeroom teacher for Hope's...
Two siblings are known as the mysterious blank gamers, they are...
A group of friends were together forever until one of them died...
Long ago, there lived an evil being who reigned over the world...
Six childhood friends have grown apart over the years following...
A 17 year old socially awkward orphaned shogi player, dealing...
Sakura Dormitory is a dorm of the high school affiliated with...
Mei is a quiet girl, who has had no boyfriend and couldn't even...
In the distant future, a new immortal and genderless life form...
Kusuo and his gaggle of self-proclaimed friends are back for...