Koushik, a teenage boy, moves to the city with his family as...
Three best friends Mary, Raju and Basha come close to making...
A girl gets trapped inside a boys' hostel, which is under surveillance...
Pushpaka Vimanam explores the happenings in middle-class families....
When Krishna's attempt to woo the love of his life becomes the...
Based on a real-life incident, Sridevi Soda Center portrays...
Bagaram, after inheriting his grandfather's wealth at a young...
Luck favours Kaasi and his friends in cricket betting but soon...
It is a romantic story between actors Aadi and Surbhi.
The ATM Machine, Money, Credit Cards and some other clues in...
Raame Aandalum Raavane Aandalum also known as RARA talks about...
While Sargunam, Mathangi's husband insists on going by the law...
Bheeshma is a young bachelor who is desperate to find a girlfriend....
This light-hearted comedy-drama depicts the congenial lives of...
Devadas(Kartikeya) an MBA gold medalist falls in love with Suvasana...