Deepak is a lawyer suffering from bipolar disorder who experiences...
The film revolves around a very unique plot, where it shows two...
A quirky comedy about the relationship between a daughter and...
Bhoothnath Returns takes Bhoothnath's story forward. As he returns...
An adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Long Island-set novel...
Mahabharat is considered as the greatest and the longest epic...
Satyagraha is the story of a son who yearns for a father. Of...
When a child falls into the well of the temple and Abbas breaks...
Following the Mandal Commission report and the Supreme Court...
Perci Trachtenberg, widely regarded as the world's greatest living...
As the news of a bomb explosion in the Muzaffarnagar area spreads...
Auro (Amitabh Bachchan) is an intelligent and witty 13-year-old...
Banku, his mother, Anjali Sharma and father move in to their...
When Anita Rajan, CEO of Sheppard power plant, an international...
Arun Prajapati has been trying to be a successful TV anchor but...
Grouchy, uptight 64-year-old Buddhadev Gupta lives a fairly wealthy...