The story of Jennifer Dulos, the wealthy Connecticut mother of...
A lonely obese boy everyone calls "Butter" is about to make history....
A vindictive and psychotic new roommate attempts to convince...
When a body is found on the bridge connecting El Paso and Juarez...
Marco and Sonya investigate the body from the bridge. Frye learns...
Sonya and Marco race to track down a prime suspect who could...
The clock ticks as Maria's broadcast continues. Sonya searches...
Sonya and Marco suspect a cover-up. Charlotte goes to Marco for...
Sonya bonds with a key witness from the case. Marco uncovers...
Vanessa moves fast to claim Chris for her own, taking his time...
Bestselling novelist Mike Noonan, unable to cope after his wife's...
A district attorney wants to further her political dreams by...
10-year-old Chrissa Maxwell move to Minnesota with her family...
En route to Lake Tahoe for a much anticipated vacation, the Carver...
Detective Sergeant Malcolm Ainslie, a Catholic priest turned...
A male-centric take on contemporary relationships, where three...