The story revolves around Bauua Singh (Shah Rukh Khan), a vertically...
A heartwarming story of pride and self reliance, which finds...
On a rainy day, Arnab and his parents are traveling in a car...
A young Mangalik boy is supposed to marry a tree if he wants...
The story revolves around Harry and Sejal's journey across Europe....
A story about unrequited love - the shapes it takes, the ways...
Sultan is a story of Sultan Ali Khan - a local wrestling champion...
Kapil Sharma interacts with Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma...
Set against the backdrop of ambition, love, greed, and jazz -...
Meera and Arjun are professionals living in Gurgaon. When Meera...
P. K. is a comedy of ideas about a stranger in the city, who...
Harry is an industrialist who loves his daughter Bijlee, and...
Samar Anand, a hard working young immigrant in the city of London...
Dimple Chaddha (Parineeti Chopra), a brash 19 year old Delhi...
BADMAASH COMPANY is a story set in the 1990s, of four ordinary...
Shruti (Anushka Sharma) is a 20-something no-nonsense girl from...