A documentary filmmaker's research on a town's mysterious benefactor...
Fired from her job as a reality TV host, Natalie (Lenz) returns...
Vanessa, a pop culture writer in NYC, lands the interview of...
While responding to a violent hostage call, a police officer...
When a travel writer shows up unexpectedly at their dad's Bed...
Attorney Jessica Pearson enters the complex and seedy world of...
After being stood up, Abbey gets inspired to open her heart in...
An NYC matchmaker (Joy Lenz) is hired by a king to find his son...
It's just weeks before Christmas when Ellie, gets a call to return...
Jenna Hudson (Bethany Joy Lenz) and Kevin Jenner (Andrew Walker)...
When a Caribbean family vacation takes a disastrous turn, a father...
While her life is falling apart, single mom Christine finds...