A likeable and talented underdog gets momentarily sidelined from...
The story follows a famed American author, Sophie, who travels...
Daisy Winters is about an eleven year-old girl's unconventional...
Ex NYC lawyer Abby is now a florist with a flower shop in her...
An unlikely basketball team of unappreciated middle-aged Texas...
Whitney, a spoiled pre-teen from Philadelphia, is forced to move...
Hoping to make enough money through an overseas employer to live...
Goofy Canadian screwup Bob Tree goes trough the yellow pages...
A serial killer whose signature was "Gone But Not Forgotten"...
In the middle of the night in EggTown, a mysterious figure sneaks...
An Italian female shoemaker follows her husband to America with...
Brooke Shields believes she has finally found happiness, now...
Marian (Deborah Kara Unger) and John Kerr (Jared Harris) are...
A cop and his expensive fiancée, a bank teller, plan the perfect...
Story of the personal lives and careers of three female doctors...
Christine Shaye works for the struggling television station Global...