Michael Desiato discovers a secret while Olivia seizes an opportunity...
Adam spends the day with a dangerous new love interest, while...
Michael's solution to his blackmail problem unearths deeper troubles....
Jimmy puts pressure on Michael over Carlo's trial. At a family...
With pressure mounting, Michael finds an answer to keeping Carlo...
Adam (Hunter Doohan) reels from new information about his mother's...
Michael attempts to return to business as usual until he discovers...
A gorilla named Ivan tries to piece together his past with the...
Complicit in multiple lies and agonized by guilt, Adam Desiato...
Blaine's famous friends make appearances and allow him to work...
Michael continues to use his power to obscure details of the...
On the anniversary of his wife's death, New Orleans Judge Michael...
John Oliver opens with a quick update about the infamous BREXIT....
Set in Japan, Isle of Dogs follows a boy's odyssey in search...
Cussing at a party summons unwanted guests. The Beatles and The...
A comedic look at the relationship between a wealthy man with...