Blizzard, a young reindeer living at the North Pole, and his...
Real-estate mom Maggie Larson takes her family to spend Christmas...
At Christmas, a cheerful publicist teams up with a cynical VP...
On her way to a new job as teacher, Lauren stops in Grandon Falls...
A teenager makes the discovery of a lifetime in the forest behind...
Noelle's life stopped when her boyfriend broke up with her on...
"Just because they are identical does not mean these twins even...
A WWII era nurse is transported in time to 2016 and meets a man...
A successful matchmaker has suddenly lost the spark in her own...
Two New York City-bound travelers find themselves inextricably...
When a doctor doesn't get the position she wanted, she ends up...
A self-defined Grinch, Stephanie begins her stay at Snow Valley...
The only thing standing between Dr. Lisa Leland (Candice Cameron...
When single mom Megan Nolan moves to a new town, she feels guilty...
The Locke family are devastated when they learn their 2-year-old...
"Honesty is the key to a successful marriage", advises counselor...