In the early 1990s, when the Chinese men's table tennis team...
In the vast space, the astronauts lost connection with the ground....
Set during China's Three Kingdoms era (AD 220-280). The story...
In the near-death after an accident, a sports car driver time-travelled...
A criminal psychologist and a forensic fingerprint expert works...
Xuan's estate project involving reclamation of the sea threatens...
It is a story about the redemption of three man, a cab driver...
Emotionless has left Six Doors, as has Cold Blood, who has decided...
The story of three friends who build a successful English language...
Four detectives (Emotionless, Iron Hands, Life Snatcher, and...
A government department known as the Six Panels appoints their...
A perfectionist poet falls for an energetic Chinese man who teaches...
In 689 A.D., the Empress Wu Zetian is building a 66 m high statue...
When a mysterious death occurs, the lives of five unexpected...
War feasts upon death. Its greedy appetite carries away many...