A married woman with an unwanted pregnancy lives in a time in...
In post-WWII America, a woman (Rapace), rebuilding her life in...
Fresh from a brief stay at a psych hospital, reporter Camille...
The Sweet Life, an edgy and unconventional dramedy, is the love...
A.J. Manglehorn is a reclusive Texas key-maker who spends his...
Workaholic attorney, Alex [Winstead] is forced to reinvent her...
An offbeat romantic comedy about a silver-painted street performer...
A former high school football star and one time college athlete...
Spanning several years involving two persons; a young man...
In Philadelphia, Detective Bowden is still grieving for his wife...
After her father's stroke, the offbeat Mona Gray gives up of...
The strained relationship of an engaged Brooklyn couple, Theo...
Julia Child and Julie Powell - both of whom wrote memoirs - find...
A hastily married couple quickly devolve into a life of affairs...