A nostalgic journey through '80s sci-fi films, exploring their...
Follows a kid as she loses her hearing and finds her inner superhero....
When SpongeBob SquarePants's pet snail Gary gets kidnapped by...
Six tales of life and violence in the Old West, following a singing...
Rapunzel grapples with the responsibilities of being a princess...
Inspired by a true story, WHEN THE GAME STANDS TALL tells the...
When Lex Luthor's daughter runs away with her boyfriend Superboy...
Presidential Candidate Lex Luthor teams up with the joker to...
After a radioactive meteor strikes Earth, a genetically altered...
The adventures of DC's strangest Silver Age superhero team.
The Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Saints, a team of...
Batman and the Metal Men fight Kanjar Ro. Later, Batman goes...
When Lex Luthor gets elected US President, he uses the threat...
Prepare to be blown back on your tail fins! Visit the Bikini...
This biopic focuses on the relationship of Ernie Davis (1939-1963)...
A band of courageous men sets out to find and recover a family...