Having survived a kidnapping attempt in an international bride...
A happy engagement to a charming college advisor soon turns into...
When Jon and his daughter Hanna move from Chicago to California...
A teen girl, Lily, begins to suspect that her father's new love...
A Texas town awakes when a high school wrestler gets entangled...
Adorable twin puppies Haley and Lindsey are thrilled to live...
Peter Cotton, a scientist that works on rabbits and infertility...
A mother and wife finds herself haunted by a brief affair she...
Matt and Aubrey, a young and successful show business couple...
After the passing of his estranged father, Nick Simon returns...
A woman accused of being responsible for her husband's disappearance...
In a flash, the invasion began and ended. Filled with smoke and...
A giant crocodile goes head to head with a giant anaconda. The...
An experimental rocket lands near a habitat for a crocodile called...
While returning from a military expedition a helicopter crash...
A catastrophic volcanic eruption releases ancient dragon-like...