A drama centered on three people who are haunted by mortality...
During a routine night patrol, police officer Bastien, his long-term...
Soeur Sourire is a moving story based on the life of a fascinating...
Mesrine: Killer Instinct -- the first of two parts -- charts...
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that...
Documentary that shows different animal species from all over...
François Maréchal's life is calm and happy. Married to a young...
Prince Charming was supposed to live long and happily with Snowwhite...
Jessica, raised by her grandmother, comes to Paris and gets...
Alain Moreau sings for one of the few remaining dance-bands in...
In Paris, Clara, psycho motor therapist, and Ismaël, music teacher...
Set in 1890, the story focuses on Passepartout, a Chinese thief...
Christophe is simple-minded, Chrystèle is unfaithful. Yet, they...
Alexia travels with her friend Marie to spend a couple of days...