After the aftermath of a war, a young girl who was used as...
Lupin III goes on a grand adventure to uncover the secrets of...
On the night of a crimson full moon, high school girl Mei Ayazuki...
When Vazelia's Makai Knight goes missing, German is summoned...
The story will focus on the high school days of Kishou Arima...
Ippo continues to defend his title and training to reach his...
A Japanese businessman, captured by modern-day pirates, is written...
High school student Kei Kurono meets up with childhood friend...
The story of a young boy who (along with all his friends) idolizes...
When Lord El-Melloi II, the later Waver Velvet, gets asked to...
Syaoran, a boy who wants to become an archeologist, and Sakura...
The series starts off at a tournament where a one armed samurai...
When the head of the Lovelace family is assassinated by soldiers...
High school boys are really simple and curious creatures. They...
Sawako Kuronuma is misunderstood due to her resemblance to the...