In the dark heart of a sprawling, anonymous city, TERMINAL follows...
A horror anthology uniting new filmmakers from across the globe...
In Highgate London, five young teenagers hoping to witness Pagan...
Fedz tells the story of renegade London cop 'Mike Jones'. Suspecting...
The Baseline is the centre of the East London grime club scene...
A gang of tough London gangsters get more than they bargained...
Billions are dead and the few that are left start to realize...
Albert Ross was the most ambitious little boy in the world until...
A documentary exploring the supposed curse that affects the lives...
Follows the rise to power of Tony Blair, and his friendship and...
In mid-1970s Johannesburg, white police officer Andre Stander...
After their last production meets with less-than-stunning reviews...
Collective film comprised of nine stories taking place in and...
Four Jack-the-lads find themselves heavily - seriously heavily...
Charles Highway (Dexter Fletcher) is in control of his life;...
During WWII a youth deserts his country's army after a combat...