In Antioch, the former Father Travis Jordan lost his faith on...
In the Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati, social misfit Jimmy Wright...
David Goodman is on the pick of his career as a PR executive...
A headstrong animal-rights activist group plans a raid on a bio-tech...
Reeling from his dismissal from a reality show, a deranged runner-up...
Four teenagers, Malik, Gem, Barbie and Wes, take a excursion...
Thomas is a young computer specialist who spends most of his...
In 1271, five young knights journey to Thebes in Greece to recover...
This overly entertaining making-of for the Terminator 2: Judgment...
Ron, who's young, slight, and privileged, is sentenced to prison...
Four members of a high school band called Mystery do everything...
Derek Vineyard is paroled after serving 3 years in prison for...
A Baltimore sandwich shop employee becomes an overnight sensation...
Deleted scenes from the 1998 film American History X.
In the year 2029, a computer called Skynet is fighting against...
When teenage son Jacob is being accused of murdering his girlfriend...