In this comedy, Lars Lindstrom is an awkwardly shy young man...
At his daughter's wedding, time-management specialist Frank Allen...
When the coach of the France soccer team is killed by a poisoned...
From a humble background and with traditional values, Irish Chris...
Nine-year-old Frankie and his single mum Lizzie have been on...
A fool and his money. In the 1930s, Adam Fenwick-Symes (Stephen...
Two brothers need household help after their Ma passes away....
Elmo McElroy is a streetwise American master chemist who heads...
Russ Duritz (Bruce Willis) is a wealthy L.A. image consultant...
A news team attempts to create a news show that reports the news...
A sitcom in which English actress Emily Mortimer heads to Hollywood...
A high school student in central California sets off an unexpected...