Frank Stirn (Eric Stoltz) moves with his family to become a barber...
I came across this short film directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt...
An amnesiac, sentenced to Death Row for a murder she can't remember...
While chasing a whaler, the Greenpeace boat sinks with the vessel...
Set in present day New York City, "Happy Hour" is a literate...
Mark Colm is a family man torn between his love of his clinically...
Maureen O'Hara plays a retired school teacher whose past we learn...
The novelist Ayn Rand engaged in an affair with a psychologist...
There has been a mid-air collision involving a passenger jet...
Lester is an occasional substitute teacher and he's very jealous....
Richter Boudreau, the son of local celebrity Cynthia, is not...
When a documentary crew traveling through the Amazon jungle...
A gambler comes to live with his sister and discovers his young...
Drug addict Jesse think he's found the answer to all his problems...
A South Afrikaan political prisoner is tortured to obtain information...
After college graduation, Grover's girlfriend Jane tells him...