A high-octane action film where a special investigator is assigned...
Anikkuttan is an ill-tempered electronics technician who leads...
Pushpa a labor works for small sum but dreams of living a life...
Freddy, a juvenile criminal is given the task of eliminating...
Joji, an engineering dropout and the youngest son of the rich...
When a car breakdown forces a couple to seek shelter in a nearby...
A disheartened motivational speaker gets hired by a corporate...
Jimmy meets Anu on an online dating website and decides to marry...
A couple tries to dispose of a dead body; a little boy gets...
A psychiatrist is assigned to inspect a mysterious mental asylum...
The film revolves around four brothers who share a love-hate...
In an isolated hospital in the high ranges of Kerala, an autistic...
After losing his job Abin along with his wife Priya, who has...
Sibi Sebastian and his never ending struggle to make it big in...
Pining for a lavish life abroad, a lazy but lovable guy next...
A group of people who are friends from their campus days. They...