A young woman, Marnie Watson, is granted early release from her...
Seventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father Bryan...
In New York City, Gulley, who's in middle school, lives with...
Hide and Seek revolves around a widower and his daughter. They...
When the Switchblade, the most sophisticated prototype stealth...
When her rather explicit copy is rejected, magazine journalist...
Bruno, a sadistic criminal, wants clever con man Leo out of the...
When an eccentric millionaire offer a group of opposites $1,000,000...
When a band of ruthless hijackers invade the world's most luxurious...
A professional car thief pulls off the heist of a lifetime when...
When a deadly satellite weapon system falls into the wrong hands...
Lady X is a woman who works during the day as a model but turns...
Sam Dietz is back and must find and stop another serial killer...
A beach runner and bookworm (Goldblum) has difficulty communicating...
Secrets are just part of daily life in the small Pennsylvania...