Haunted by the drowning death of his own daughter, a police investigator...
Louisa is a young and attractive woman who wants to make a living...
Greta Franklin, a beautiful American blonde, arrives on an island...
Inspector Capuana investigates serial murders where the victims...
It's the early twentieth century New York City. There exists...
Roselle Regalzyk (Anne Bancroft) is the naughty but nice little...
Venice, 1866, in the last days of the Austrian occupation...
Rick Belrow Livingston, in love with Broadway star Lisa, is sentenced...
A completely fabricated biography of the famous Danish fairytale...
In 1950, life as usual in a middle-American town. Cold War paranoia...
Bruno Antony thinks he has the perfect plot to rid himself of...
Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during...
A poor and alienated young man (Farley Granger) who is driven...
Joe Norson, a poor letter carrier with a sweet, pregnant wife...
Brandon and Philip are two young men who share a New York City...