Set in 1973, Hong Kong. The Hong Kong governor sets up Independent...
In this action spectacle, a car crash sparks a war between local...
Several cops went undercover. Due to some issues, all undercover...
In the middle of dealing with multiple crisis, washed-out film...
Feature film adaptation of the the TV series, "Triumph in the...
Story based on the legendary mansion at No. 81 on Chaoyangmennei...
A mystery about a gourmet in love with two different women who...
An assassin is hired to kill the men responsible for kidnapping...
The time is 1998. The setting is Macau. Every living soul jumps...
Tough cop Ken Li (Cheng) is at the top of his game, but he's...
Triad boss Lung, who has just escaped being killed in an assassination...
Plainclothes policemen Brian and Mike use an elderly woman's...
A dentist obsessed with young women in various uniforms stalks...
Police Inspector Pao is trying to catch Mak Kwan, a gang member...
When Ah-Gou, a smalltime Hong Kong street rascal, visits a fortune...
The sensitive swordsman Cho Yi-Hang is tired of his life. He...