As Chloe and Sam lie in the hospital between life and death...
Leslie is a troubled 1960s teenager who eventually becomes...
When provocatively impish drug addict Sophie is forcibly shipped...
In New Jersey, 1978-79, the Nearing family loses Rose Nearing...
A diverse group of high school students band together to peacefully...
A young couple, Elaine Walker and David Walker, meet a lonely...
The movie is based on a children's series by the same name. Meg...
Delia and her grandmother throw a festive birthday party for...
Thirteen-year-old Jesse is a typical teenager who hates his teacher...
Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. But when her friends find her secret...
The stakes are high for five young cops fresh out of the Academy...
When Manhattan surgeon Andrew 'Andy' Brown is widowed, he decides...
Guns is a gritty and dramatic mini-series that tells the story...