The series revolves around a man who plays the role of a grandson...
Incheon, South Korea in 1993, Doo-Seok (Sung Dong-Il) works as...
Hospital ship is a romantic drama series with twists and turns...
33-year old Je-In is a mystery novelist who is notorious for...
Post-war South Korea in 1953, Heo Sam-Gwan (Ha Jung-Woo) works...
Choi Won and Oh Ha-na was best friend since high school. For...
As a child, Jin-ok witnessed the murder of her father and narrowly...
"As One" is the cinematic retelling of the first ever post-war...
North and South Korea have agreed to work as a team for The World...
Something awaits 2,500 meters under the deep sea off the southern...
Professor Kim, a marine geologist, recognizes the impending danger...
A funeral director meets a man who has been battling Lou Gehrig's...
A mentally challenged man trying to keep his mother's only wish...
Set years ago in the era of the Joseon Dynasty, the story follows...
Ha-yeong is dumped by her boyfriend on the 100th day of their...
Kyu-sik is a seminary student, who one day falls during a church...