Heavenly Host Elementary School is a legendary elementary school...
Long ago, there lived an evil being who reigned over the world...
Kinji, who lacks any kind of work ethic, is a layabout in his...
Keima Katsuragi prefers immersing himself in the 2D world, chasing...
Phantoms, beings that blur the line between illusion and reality...
The romantic comedy begins when a love letter arrives out of...
During the early 20th century, along with technological advancements...
"Seiichi Hiiragi is an ugly, revolting, dirty, smelly fata**"...
After the death of their parents, Haru and his twin sister Sora...
Never make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's...
Mizuto and Yume are a former couple who enjoyed a relationship...
Becoming the strongest warrior and winning the heart of his all...