A documentary showcasing the epic and at times controversial...
Alfred Hitchcock is known as a giant of movie making, a facetious...
In spring 2011, director Stig Björkman meets Ingrid Bergman's...
This is a wonderful and revealing film about famed horror and...
Guided by Liv Ullmann and with commentaries from a number of...
Her name conjures up beauty, grace, talent and style. One of...
Orson Welles' archives of unfinished/never released movies and...
Cary Grant was the very essence of a movie star - a man every...
HIS OWN MAN One of Hollywood's most enduring and popular stars...
The story of the Russian-born, Wisconsin-raised woman who rose...
On March 7, 1979, Alfred Hitchcock becomes the seventh recipient...
After having neglected her children for many years, world famous...
Behind the scenes footage of Autumn Sonata
Nina has just started working as a chambermaid in Rome's Imperial...
The American Film Institute honours Orson Welles for his contributions...
Famous detective Hercule Poirot is on the Orient Express, but...