Madeleine Verdier, a penniless actress is accused of the murder...
A story that revolves around Clemence who's in the final stage...
Based on the novel by Hannelore Cayre, the story centers around...
Rose, a 16-year-old girl who was abandoned by her parents and...
Three generations grappling with a life-changing experience during...
Claire, a beautiful young woman works at her late father's hotel...
Frances (Chloë Grace Moretz), a sweet, naïve young woman trying...
The story centers on a young gigolo, Bertrand Valade who steals...
Gradually succumbing to dementia, George Laurent, the octogenarian...
Mrs. Géquil is a teacher despised by her colleagues and students....
After ten years abroad, Catherine returns to Luxembourg to catch...
Luc Bondy's final feature film as director draws talent from...
On a business trip to the Cannes Film Festival, Manhee is accused...
Because of the stupid life in a pâté-factory, former singer Laura...
Michèle seems indestructible. Head of a successful video game...
Nathalie teaches philosophy at a high school in Paris. She is...