The evolution of inappropriate humor throughout history is traced...
Of recent historical events, few events have been so searing...
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967) started out as a typical...
Legendary comedienne Lucille Ball is roasted by Jack Benny, Milton...
In this spoof of "The Jack Benny Program", a mouse with Jack...
Fred does his best to get Jack fired by the sponsor and has himself...
Falling asleep during the Paradise Coffee ("The Coffee that Makes...
Wealthy Frederick Trumble makes an eccentric new will, secretes...
Compassionate small-town lawyer Richard Clarke moves to New York...
Joseph and Maria Tura operate and star in their own theater company...
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment....
Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt...
A cream-of-the-crop gathering of 1930's radio stars, who lend...
Sylvia Smith and Dick Winters share a romantic kiss at a dance...
Bob Gordon is staging a new Broadway Show, but he is short of...
Conrad Nagel, representing the Hollywood movie community, and...