In this slow-burn social thriller, The Amaranth is an isolated...
The National Institute of Justice explains that the national...
After the death of her husband, Dr. Cara Harding's faith in God...
Peter Appleton is an ambitious young screenwriter working for...
A boy, Buddy, whose parents have split and whose mother is...
Based on the true story of a Russian serial killer who, over...
A woman has been to a psychiatrist for years for drug and alcohol...
A Downs- syndrome boy left in an institute by his parents. Ginny...
The Smurl family move into their new home on Chase Street only...
When a passenger plane crashes after a bomb scare, there are...
In this suspenseful drama, a Chicago policewoman remains haunted...
This biographical movie depicts the youth of the magician Harry...
Two young womens lives are changed forever in one moment. A strikingly...
The problems of a mother who helps her son in his struggles against...
Based on the memoirs of Josephine Marcus Earp, a young opera...
Widely recognized as the best of the Christmas horror efforts...