For the first time after seventeen years, and their last appearance...
During the preparations for a box-dinner charity auction, the...
A film where famous people - World and Olympic Champions, athletes...
Dame Julie Andrews talks about her book "Home Work: A Memoir...
When an NYC cop (Adam Sandler) finally takes his wife (Jennifer...
America's favorite morning news show is thrown into crisis when...
Alex engages in contract negotiations as she prepares to accepts...
Willowdean ('Dumplin'), the plus-size teenage daughter of a former...
Follows the lives of different mothers on Mothers Day. Sandy...
The annual Golden Globes hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poheler....
Fed up with answering to higher-ups, Nick, Dale and Kurt decide...
The acerbic, hilarious Claire Bennett becomes fascinated by the...
Two common criminals get more than they bargained for after kidnapping...
After being robbed of a week's take, small-time pot dealer David...
A small-time pot dealer convinces his neighbors to create a fake...
In New York, the aspirant filmmaker Linda convinces her husband...