Robert, a talented inventor, and his daughter move to a new neighborhood...
On one of the hottest days of the year, the first responders...
When a massive earthquake rocks Los Angeles, the responders rush...
The first responders continue to deal with the fallout of a massive...
Special documenting Betty White's 90th birthday celebration in...
Lucas Thomas's grandmother Caroline returns every Valentine's...
A good-hearted musician struggles to find a way to tell his beautiful...
A former beauty queen is forced to take a job at a massage parlor...
New York City. It's 1897. Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon has...
Melinda must help the ghost of an African-American man who had...
Garfield (Bill Murray) is back and this time he and his canine...
The circus arrives in town and brings with it the spirit of...
A head injury caused by an accident puts Melinda's abilities...
While shopping for antiques at a local home, Melinda encounters...
Melinda experiences a sense of intuition when she realizes that...
As part of a drunken bet with her sister, a happily married woman...