When threads from Batman's past begin to unravel, the race is...
A creative writing instructor at a juvenile detention center...
"Back Roads" centers on a young man stuck in the Pennsylvania...
Alex, a lovable, unassuming dog trainer is in love with a great...
A young man determined to be a military hero, ends up on a misguided...
Emma reunites Maleficent with Lily, who is still hell bent on...
The Author proves to be a formidable wild card and forges...
Emma realizes Maleficent's daughter is her former childhood friend...
When a terrorist attack on Washington D.C. leaves three war veterans...
Two brothers face the fight of a lifetime - and the wreckage...
When her wild younger sister Ashley, who suffers from bipolar...
A father seeks redemption by rescuing his daughter, a PRODIGAL...
A fictionalized account of the events leading up to the tragic...
From a psychiatric ward, tutor & proofreader Gaby Winters...
A struggling widow vows to save her teenage daughter from a life...
Sam is having the worst day of his life when he gets thrown off...