In the prehistoric past, a young man struggles to return home...
GSI (Group of Special Investigations) investigates a weapon deal...
Johan Falk is with the wife of a dead mob boss down to Latvia...
When Johan and his colleagues are watching Seth and his gang...
The movie "Lockdown" is a part of the Johan Falk series that...
In the final movie about Swedish special force policeman Johan...
A firefight between two rival gangs breaks out in a Gothenburg...
A group of young robbers, specializing in robbing shopping center...
Some men infiltrate the retired chief engineer Arthur Jönsson's...
A group of criminals would like to sell some weapons for an undercover...
A 25 year old skeleton is found in a cave on a small island off...
Explore your worst possible fears in this shocking horror thriller...
Robert Kastell returns to Sweden after having been presumed dead...