The story of Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), a former US government...
An outspoken American journalist, Jim Caviezel, is kidnapped...
A timeless tale that takes place against the backdrop of the...
Luke travels Roma looking for apostle Paul, turned in Nero's...
The fortuitous discovery of an Egyptian document from the 11th...
Finch, Reese, Fusco and Shaw embark on one last mission to prevent...
Finch's number comes up when a fatal error blows his cover identity...
As Reese and Shaw race to catch up with Finch, he infiltrates...
Harold goes on a road trip with the Machine, while the rest of...
The mysterious criminal mastermind known as "The Voice" returns...
The Machine sends Reese and Finch to a wedding to protect a pair...
One of history's greatest examples of the triumph of spiritual...
Shaw plans and executes an escape from Samaritan's operatives....
The team is divided in their efforts. Finch has set up a confined...
Fusco is in the hospital, recovering. Root goes undercover as...
Shaw is able to escape from Greer and his men, using a known...