Sequel to "The Battle at Lake Changjin". Follows the Chinese...
Set in the Second Phase Offensive of the Korean War, "The Battle...
Included as the third installment of "National Day Celebration"...
In 1953, the Korean War is entering the final stage. The People's...
The sun is dying out. The earth will soon be engulfed by the...
May 1960. Mount Everest, the second step under the cliff. The...
Leng Feng (acted by Jing Wu), a former soldier being discharged...
The third chapter of the cult-classic fantasy saga : A Chinese...
Hong Kong police officer Kit (Wu Jing) goes undercover in order...
A Chinese special force soldier with extraordinary marksmanship...
When circus clown Sunny gets transformed into a super-powered...
An assassin who is fresh from his latest kill becomes stranded...
A young Tai Chi master fights Opium smugglers with the aid of...