A powerful and uplifting drama about the power of faith, this...
Nero's reign. The invasion of Parthia has been a fiasco. Two...
In 2002, Bolivian politician Pedro Gallo hires American James...
When Jack gets rescued by Maria, a superstitious Portuguese beauty...
A ship captain moves to the port town of Periperi, sparking jealousy...
A story about a beautiful street musician suffering from memory...
19-year-old Jack Ariamehr toils daily as a 'sign spinner' on...
For thirty years now Maria and José Ribeiro have been living...
Anthony's family runs a small Italian restaurant in London. When...
Three women, friends whose flats adjoin, prepare for dinner:...
THE LOVEBIRDS intertwines six stories about love, friendship...
A writer is interviewing prostitutes, porn stars and gigolos...
Every year, four ex-soldiers who call themselves "Os Imortais"...
A seven-man crew of international specialists formed by Commander...
Rio de Janeiro, 1886. Actress Sarah Bernhardt performs at the...