Kevin Shepard is a tech-savvy young genius who uses his intelligence...
Halloween fun turns to horror when young friends ignore the warnings...
In 1997 the Anderson family vanished from their home without...
The new female warden of a high-security prison faces challenges...
15 year old Megan Shephard and her parents will do anything to...
Finn Baxter and his family move from California to Maine to their...
This film concerns a legend that has been started by the town...
Joe Fine moves his family from Brooklyn to New Orleans, where...
Frustrated by feeling left out, Haley thinks nothing of it when...
Beneath the Alaskan landscape, the melting permafrost is about...
"Case 39" centers on an idealistic social worker who saves...
A biopic on singer Céline Dion.
After running away from her last foster placement with the Regan...
Pre-teen Jeliza-Rose's parents are hopeless drug addicts. When...
Four year old Desi learns to accept the death of her father by...