After moving his family into his childhood home, a man's investigation...
During a family dinner, Iris (29) receives the news from her...
When her mother abandons her dementing father, Alex unexpectedly...
An old man who isolated himself from civilization receives...
Because of the stupid life in a pâté-factory, former singer Laura...
After serving prison for causing the death of his girlfriend...
Lei, descendant of an unemployed coal miner, is an aimless man...
The life of Luc Segers (Koen De Bouw) runs smoothly. He lives...
Learning of her mother's death in Paris, estranged daughter returns...
Dito Tsintsadze's drama focuses on a loner whose life changes...
One winter's day Jacob and his sister Marie are left behind in...
Eric is a lonely voyeur who is thrilled when a strange couple...
Schimanski is sent to Bosnia to figure out whether Christian...
The story of the year the Oxford and Cambridge boat race changed...
The McBee family has erected a government over a future 'colony'...
Having seen this movie more than 10 years ago, I can clearly...