The follow-up to In Search of Darkness (2019) dives deeper into...
A horror aficionado begins to teach an unsuspecting applicant...
Darcy the Mail Girl presents a low budget horror starring none...
An exploration of '80s horror movies through the perspective...
Joe Bob bemoans the degradation of Lifetime movies. Later, while...
Joe Bob and Darcy discuss all manners of perversion when they...
Joe Bob delivers a long-winded monologue about liquor before...
Joe Bob discusses his wellness regimen, and then he makes a call...
Joe Bob discusses Mexico's Day of the Dead Celebration, and then...
Joe Bob points out the communist themes of Rudolph the Red-Nosed...
After giving a skewered history of Thanksgiving, Joe Bob hosts...
Joe Bob gives viewers intoxication instructions and begins to...
Joe Bob welcomes himself back, and then he discusses the careers...
Joe Bob's discusses Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama...
Joe Bob goes on a tangent about the transgender bathroom scandal...
Gory, Gory, Hallelujah! Take an outrageous ride through the wild...