During the Cavalcade of the Magi parade, the Martín family's...
Lucia's achievement of a perfect family is threatened by her...
Javier Jiménez is a successful doctor who lives in Sevilla (Andalucia...
Arturo, Chus, and Hipólito ("Poli") are brothers-in-law who co-exist...
Adrián Doria, a wealthy businessman named Man of the Year due...
The story of a man who fooled an entire country. A tale of cheats...
One day, someone puts a bomb on Carlos car and kill his wife...
In 2013, a mysterious epidemic spreads across the planet: humanity...
In the middle of the night, a guard working the night shift at...
The police inspector Santos Trinidad gets involved in a triple...
Awful is a soft adjective... Really bad. Initial credits were...
Three couples deal with the sticky issue of infidelity in this...
Based on a true story. In the 70's, during the last stages of...
The 3 Wise Men (Los Reyes Magos) is the biblical story of the...
Good movie, tense and dramatic with some parts that made me laugh....
Francisco Goya (1746-1828), deaf and ill, lives the last years...