In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters...
A short film in the world of Amazon Prime's "The Boys" which...
Just after recovering from losing his entire unit in battle...
"Bent" follows Danny Gallagher (Karl Urban), a discredited narcotics...
Decorated homicide detective Ray Archer (Al Pacino) and his partner...
Spinning words into deliberately obscure, ambiguous, and unclear...
After stopping off at Starbase Yorktown, a remote outpost on...
An examination of the enduring appeal of Leonard Nimoy and his...
The architect Vincent Stevens; the psychiatrist Chris Vanowen;...
A new attempt on Lord Marshal Riddick's life is made on the Necromongers'...
For the first time in movie history, audiences will truly see...
The future America is an irradiated waste land. On its East Coast...
PRIEST, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller, is set in an alternate...
When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina...
Story follows the divergent agendas of criminals, cops and lawyers...
The Medieval and Renaissance blade, a profound and beautiful...