Follows a country music duo who seek out the private mansion...
Annie "Rebel" Bello is a blue-collar legal advocate without...
In November 1988, Vinny Pazienza boxes Roger Mayweather for the...
The Bastard Executioner tells the story of a warrior knight in...
In prison, Tully kills Juice, and in Oakland and Stockton, SAMCRO...
Gemma visits her father. Jax learns where she's at and goes after...
It's Roseanne Barr's turn to step in to the celebrity hot seat...
After the death of the Bastards' sergeant-at-arms at the hands...
Kellan explains to Jax that Jimmy wants to stop selling guns...
O'Neill uses a bomb to try to kill SAMCRO and McGee along with...
After being tortured by Kellan's adopted son, Sean Casey (Dan...
Cathcart retires from the fire department and wants to live alone...
Gemma delivers Stahl's prepared statement to the FBI, which falsely...
Having killed Abel's adoptive parents, Jimmy is able to use the...