Found-footage collage film of Lana Turner and other actresses...
This remake of Fritz Leiber's novel "Conjure Wife" (previously...
Los Angeles based architect Michael Lewis and Russian language...
Renowned stage actress Adriana Roman, the muse of playwright...
A woman married to a wealthy socialite, is compromised by the...
Rich playgirl Kit Jordan (nee Katherine Lawson Chandler) is in...
A hunch horse-player's marriage is threatened by his betting...
A. J. Niles is the author of a series of 'Bachelor Books'. These...
Neurotic woman engages in an affair with the law partner of her...
Lana Turner and Anthony Quinn are lovers who murder Lana's cruel...
Aspiring actress Lora Meredith meets Annie Johnson, a homeless...
Lana Turner is a female American journalist who has an affair...
Daredevil pilot Mike Dandridge goes into a business partnership...
It's the pre-WWII era. Peyton Place is a small town in New England...
Diane de Poitiers is in a childless marriage with count de Breze....
A young Hebrew named Micah, unsatisfied with his father's rural...