* Based on an action shoujo manga by Yoshida Akimi. 1973, Vietnam...
"Dragon Cry" - it's a magic artifact, that power can destroy...
The film retells the main story from the viewpoint of Hiroto...
A story about Genos when he meets Don Pacino, a C class wanted...
Silverfang stalks and pursues Saitama and Genos to come to his...
The story of Saitama, three years ago, about how he gets his...
A girl's phone rings during a class. A boy tries to reproduce...
In a world of superhuman beings, Saitama is a unique hero, he...
Shuchiin Academy is home to students from Japan's most successful...
Banri Tada is a freshman at a private Tokyo law school, having...
Dragons are on the menu as the crew of the airship Quin Zaza...